






Learn the Mathematics Needed to Solve Real-World Problems

From the satellites that predict weather patterns to the musical creations of Mozart, math is — and always has been — a powerful tool for global understanding and communication. It is integral to all professions including engineering, video game design, and medicine.

The mathematics you engage with are relevant to every STEM discipline and are becoming increasingly important tools in almost all fields of study. Studying math builds critical thinking skills which improves the ability to analyze statistical information in the face of uncertainty, 明确的选择, model alternatives and consider potential consequences — all which are necessary for success in today’s workplaces.


在凯特林, we offer two minors through the Mathematics Department to help meet the growing demand for graduates with strong mathematics backgrounds. Here, you’ll find that mathematics is more than a love for numbers. It’s looking longer and harder for solutions in any circumstance, a skill applicable to every career (and your life in general). 


With this math minor, you’ll explore theoretical applications in the classroom. In labs and projects, you will gain hands-on experience implementing this theory. You will then put this knowledge to work within your major and during your co-op.  Completing this math minor prepares you to design the next video game, help develop a life-saving medicine or tackle complex problems in business and industry.


Our Mathematics Department designed this minor for the student who has a passion for numbers and data, and wants to understand how to use this information to make decisions. If you’re interested in honing your skills to pursue roles that require statistical analysis, 比如数据科学家或数字营销人员, 统计学辅修课程值得学习.

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The Mathematics Department at Kettering is focused on helping you fulfill your potential and building the skills needed to pursue your passions. 通过严格的数学指导, we will help you develop a strong mathematical background and build the creative and critical thinking skills you will need throughout your career.


Many of the faculty of the Mathematics Department have been recognized with the Outstanding Teaching Award at Kettering. They have also worked with many students on award winning theses. 除了在课堂上表现出色, the faculty are active researchers looking at problems in probability, 控制理论, 数学生物学, 流体动力学, 还有控制理论. They have the expertise to help students transition from their first college math course to looking at problems on the cutting edge of engineering, 科学与数学.


与其他学生合作, you’ll have opportunities to apply the skills you’re learning in your mathematics courses to competitions. Past student teams have won the Student Competition Using Differential Equations Modeling (SCUDEM) event, a mathematical modeling competition that requires advanced knowledge of calculus and differential equations.


在凯特林, we understand that in the real-world problems are not separated by distinct academic disciplines. The Kettering Mathematics Department works closely with the College of Engineering and the 计算机科学系 to ensure students are developing the skills needed for these disciplines. We also realize that mathematics is everywhere and recently offered a course on Math for Social Justice in collaboration with the 文科系.








You’ll learn from a Mathematics Department with a wealth of knowledge about careers in mathematics. Every professor has earned an advanced degree in math and is active in research. Among the research topics are numerical analysis, 高性能计算, probability distributions in reliability and risk, 高斯过程, 数学生物学和神经科学.



美国.S. Bureau of Labor projects a 33% job growth for careers in mathematics through 2030, 比平均速度快得多. Adding a minor in math or statistics opens the door to many careers in mathematics, 包括计算机工程师, 大宗商品交易商, 遗传学家, 金融律师, 生物信息学科学家和企业家.

凯特林的 计算机科学专业 与我们的数学学位紧密相关吗. Learn more about the connection and the parallel career opportunities for you with the 理学院 and 文科.


无论你是想成为一名工程师, 计算机科学家或者完全不同的角色, mathematics provides the foundation you need to excel in professional roles. 为你的事业迈出下一步. 联系信息或立即申请.
